November 24, Thursday, happened. I seem to be unable to remember much from that day, though. I feel like the whole day I was just hoping for the weekend, and sighing at the thought of another day in between. I love class, don’t get me wrong, but the weekends are just so much fun that I find myself looking forward to them more and more. Friday was fun, thanks to Konno-sensei, but again my memory is failing me. I’m really doing a terrible job of jotting things down as they happen. I’ll have to get better at that.
More on the Pepsi wars, and I’m not sure if it is chronologically accurate to include this here, but it’s funny, so whatever. I had a fabulous win by placing one 100yen coin in each of the pockets of Duke’s jacket. How? I was told to borrow it again, as I’m always freezing. It was a great success. Of course I had to start losing again, though. One night, likely Friday, Duke enlisted the help of Matt (Jil knew too) to sneakily place a Pepsi in front of my door with 500yen sitting underneath. The reason… I was trying to give him a 500yen coin all night, probably for all the soda he’s paid for thus far. Only, I did not succeed in giving him said money, so he gave me way too much. I told him he had to take his 500yen back the next day, as he would be at the dorm anyway. Thankfully, he accepted that condition. Sigh.
As for Saturday, I went to the bakery for breakfast and to attempt a bit of studying. It was another bakery trip with Duke, not a race this time. We decided that was a bad idea. I think that punk paid for my food too, as I didn’t think to grab a tray before telling him what I planned on eating. At least it was only one thing. So I did get some kanji studying/homework finished, but we didn’t stay long. Heading back to the dorm, I think I ended up with another soda. Really, this guy shouldn’t feed my Pepsi gluttony.
That day was mostly an all day hang out again. Some homework was done, but mostly we were having fun just talking. We need to turn these talks into Japanese more, haha. Oh, that night my first real package came. A big thanks to aunt Kathleen for that! I promise I’m sharing the candy! ^^ Even gave some to friends I only see at school. Junso-san and Teiyan-san liked the Halloween eyeball gummies. I should probably give Jess a Reese’s though. I still have five, so I suppose giving up one or two wouldn’t hurt, haha. Duke loved the cookies n’ cream Hershey bar; I thought he was gonna die of happiness. XD Oh, and the hat is great! I am now known as “Nyanko no Hikouki” because of it. That basically translates to Airplane Kitty. I put my hands in the pockets and spread my arms out like an airplane. It’s fun, but some people at school think I have issues. XD
I believe Sunday morning was laundry time for me, heh. Two full loads, and I was so happy to have everything cleaned! I really should have brought more T-shirts and the like (read: thanks, mom, for sending me stuff; can’t wait to get it). At some point, Duke came over again, as he and Matt had plans to go get pictures taken for their visa applications for future semesters. Jil and I tagged along, and Jess stuck around the dorm to watch anime. She watched Big Windup! XD I knew I’d get her to like it, muahahaha! It’s such a good series.
Anyway, let’s dodge that tangent. So after some wandering through the train station to find a photo booth, we ended up in Sunshine City. We went to the Book Off there to check out pricing on a DS for Duke, but we didn’t stick around long. For dinner we had decided on Saizeriya (that Italian place with the name I couldn’t remember). Much to our delight, there was one right across the street from the Book Off. It was totally packed, but we got in without too much of a wait. Mmmm… now I want that spaghetti again. And we were seated right next to the fountain drinks, woot! It was such a win. The rest of the night was spent hanging out in the dorm lounge, as we have a habit of doing. It’s a shame that we get kicked out at 10pm every night, heh.
On to the week! I really need to catch up with this blog o’ mine. Monday was a kanji quiz, and I aced that one too! Hooray! Tuesday we got back sakubun to review, fix, and return. Wednesday we had class with Okada-sensei again, and it had been awhile since we’d seen him last. The previous two Wednesdays were midterm then holiday.
Thursday we went over a text about Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Prize, because Friday’s class was a trip to a museum including exhibits about Nobel. That part of the museum mostly bored me, except for the fancy lights and interactive displays of information. However, I couldn’t read most of it… And we had to fill out some dumb worksheet too. Bleh. Also at the museum were exhibits on many, many different kinds of animals. And my favorite? The dinosaur fossils! That part was so much fun! There was a velociraptor skeleton on a pole that could be rotated to view from different angles. It was phenomenal. Jil loved the sea creatures’ exhibits, especially the squid model that was hung from the ceiling. We continued along to a section with more interactive screens. You could select a species or family from those screens, and the floor lit a path to show where in the room it was! I had fun walking along the path. XD
Friday morning, Duke came over to the dorm early to hang out until we had to leave for the museum. That way, none of us would be late. We ended up leaving later than planned anyway, but made it just in time to meet everyone. Me, being the smart person that I am, forgot to bring my camera along. However, many other students took pictures, so I shall find them on Facebook or something. XD
Once the adventure was over, I was pretty exhausted. I was like the energizer bunny for the dinosaur display, but I lost that energy pretty quickly, sigh. We met up with the teacher again to be dismissed, essentially, and I was finally allowed to drink the water I had brought along. I tried to chug it like a loony, but Duke stole the bottle from me to force me to breathe between sips. I was fussy about that. XP As we walked back outside, I pulled my usual “I want to fall over” nonsense, because that’s how I get when I’m tired. I go to fall over, and someone has to catch me. I should stop that, as it makes said person panic, but I’m so unreasonable when I’m tired. XD
The train ride home was insanely crowded. And the ride was rather rough. I lost my balance a lot, and almost took out another person at one point, sigh. Again, needed catching, which Jil thought was really funny. I did kind of look terrified at the time. >.> Falling over in and of itself is fine, but falling into a stranger would not be cool. I don’t like it when my clumsiness inconveniences people I don’t know.
In any case, we got back without much more trouble, and ate at McDonald’s, I think. That’s all I can remember for now. I’ll try to update again this weekend. Sorry this post was kind of lacking. x.x
We know full well that you have issues, Abi. They are far from limited to your pretending to be an airplane... The falling over, the *wanting* to fall over...